And yet I'm a risk taker at heart, and still hit the old gridiron when I get the chance. I actually picked up this Puffin fumble on the bounce and scampered into the end zone for a TOUCHDOWN! Look at the the balance, the skill and, dare I say it, the mojo. Scuffed my loafers a bit but didn't even break a sweat. High fives all around from my Cabinet colleagues.
But alas, Sandra is right. The joy of scoring must always be leavened with a dose of caution, especially with Puffins flying about overhead.
This harmless jeu d'esprit was 'shopped by Alyssa Palmer of the Canadian Union of Public Satirists (CUPS), a coalition loosely attached to Rick Mercer's nether regions. A pretend CPC membership is going out to you today, Melissa!
Speaking of Mercer, have a look at:
He's short, he's short, he's got his own report.