So The Person Who Must Not be Named has testified, and I think all right thinking Canadians would agree that the Puffin's Plan Smear Harper no longer has legs, if it ever had any at all.
The Puffins even dragged out the great old goaler to pontificate from the heart about our shared moral failings, and the NDP star of the Airbust™ Show was Pat Martin, who blathered on about how shocked Canadians must feel about Big Bad Businesspersons.

I Have a New Theory: The old German-Canadian Pasta Entrepreneur would rather risk jail in Canada for perjury or even, God forbid, blackmail. He'd prefer to be incarcerated in some country club minimum security hotel in BC than be shipped out on the next plane and thrown into a dank dark dungeon in Germany. Makes perfect sense when you think of it.
Jeez, this thing could go on for years. But I guess that's the general idea.
Pix: Chris Wattie (Reuters); CBC