As you know, I'm not a big fan of these gang-ups. I would have preferred a pool party gala at 24 Sussex, but at least we were around a table instead of at the podium, and it was kind of cool that Jack went after Stéphane, which saved me the trouble. Must have been all the political love I sent his way during the French debate.
Here's Stéphane during the pre-debate photo op, boring Jack and I with more details about his Carbon Shaft.

Wow that Liz May sure is a breath of fresh air, eh? What a feisty scrapper. I think I'll offer her a Senate seat. I mean, that's the only way to keep her out of trouble, right?
(And out of the House of Commons? - Ed)I suggested to Guy that if she toned down her rhetoric a touch, maybe we could bring Liz into Cabinet, and move John Baird over to Foreign Affairs, and Peter to Finance. Guy scoffed and said it would be a mistake - she would try to take over the Senate, and she wouldn't last a week in Cabinet.
Gilles, another great performance, and you nearly had me on the ropes a couple of times. A-
Pix: Chris Wattie, Reuters