We know that Strategic Counsel partner Peter Dunnolo used to work for the Puffins, Créton in particular. But did the man's past sins influence the choice of questions asked in this poll? Nah, banish that thought. As they say in québecois, "pas possible".

I mean, Justincase doesn't even read the newspapers: as he was quoted in 2005, "I don't read newspapers. I don't watch the news. I figure, if something happens, someone will tell me." Could he have been thinking of the Globe n' Male?
Let me be perfectly clear to Eddie the G and his scribes at the Fortress on Front Street: I fully realize that the Puffins are fighting for their life, but in these new days of media transparency, you can't hide any more, and these sorts of push polls do nothing to enhance your credibility as Canada's National Birdcage Liner. Au contraire, you're better to avoid Puffinalia, and POLL IT LIKE IT IS.
By the way, Nanos has nailed the past few elections, better than any other pollster.
Pix: SES; smoldering heart throb teen fan photo by Sophie Armcandy for the Puffin Party of Canada Youth Wingnuts