Hands will be slapped.

Believe me, I know you've got a job to do - sell papers, right? - and I realize how frustrating it has been for you people, desperately searching for a Such-and-Such-Gate or a So-and-So-Scam to replace the Sponsorship Scandal. I know you all really ACHE to be the Woodsteins of your generation. But let's get real - remember the old Mister Dithers days, when the Puffins had to BEG you to write stories about their latest desperate handout or giveaway program?
Now you've got a front row seat in our battle with Elections Canada. But now's the time for responsible journalism as well. Don't forget, we're taking the bullet for the other parties.
PS: Here's a bone to chew on. The material seized by the Elections Commissioner last week cannot be used by Elections Canada to defend itself in our lawsuit against them.