There's no denying he's an impressive orator, and we take his entry onto the stage very seriously indeed. But I hope undecided voters remember that in his first three years as Premier, Bobama took a popularity index of 52% all the way down to 6%, and saddled the working people of Ontario with billions in extra debt. He also placed a cap on enrollment into medical schools and nixed the construction of new nuclear plants in Ontario. You can read the whole sorry story HERE.
My point is, it looks like Bobama wants to drop the Green Shaft and go into a Bill Clinton "It's the economy, stupid" mode, but this is simply not credible coming from such an old time socialist.
The wondrously wise Chantal Hébert thinks featuring Bobama is a bad idea, and that "If the Liberals were serious about reversing the tide of the election campaign – and every poll indicates they should be – they would hide Bob Rae and pull Paul Martin from obscurity."
Pix: Wayne Cuddington/Canwest News Service