As you know, I am a cold hearted economist. I don't have time to gush over "phoques en Alaska," like some of your aging pop gods. I refuse to tell lame journalists who my favourite Beatle is, and I'm not going to appear on Tout le Monde en Parle so Dumbo Danny can sneer at my politics.
Yes my government loves Canadian culture, and we actually boosted spending in the Heritage Ministry from $350 to $400 million. But your whining about a $15 million travel cut in Foreign Affairs, which never should have had the program, got all the press.
Not very smart, people.
I just want to say, you bozos, that I'll be back, and next time you'd better not try the same BS as you did with your stupid ad, which Nathalie Petrowski of La Presse said was pathetic. A lot of people agree with her.
God bless a strong Québec within a United Canada.