I'm not lying when I tell you we are seriously concerned by this new development, and several of our crack Tory historians have been assembling a dossier on the case. New facts on the Priory's role in Canadian history are just now beginning to emerge.

1. The Sinclair Factor
On October 13, 1307, a bankrupt King Philippe le Bel of France (right), backed by Pope Clement in Avignon, went after the Order of the Knights Templar and their treasure to prop up his ailing monarchy and destroy the St-Clair family, pretenders to the Throne of France, who claimed to be descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and holders of the Holy Grail. On March 19th, 1314, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was roasted at the stake and his ashes thrown into the Seine.
But Philip failed to find the treasure of the Templars, for most of it had been well hidden in the Alps. As for the family and the Grail, they had been spirited away to Scotland, where Robert the Bruce, son of the Templar Crusader Robert de Brus, had secured Scottish independence from England at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. Rosslyn Castle near Edinburgh became home of the "Sinclair" Family.
In 1393, fearing the French had discovered the secret, Henry Sinclair, Prince of the Orkney Islands, sent a Venetian admiral, Nicolo Zeno, to carry out a survey of Greenland, in preparation for their journey to the New World.

Henry Sinclair returned home, and was cruelly killed by English invaders in 1401. But the Grail and the treasure were safe in Canada.
2. The Mont-Réal Connection
In 1534, over 100 years later, with growing Medici threats against the Templars, and a looming religious war, the order engaged St-Malo navigator Jacques Cartier, who had already crossed the Atlantic with the Portuguese Templars, and sent him west to scout for a save haven for the Order and its treasures. Cartier named the river he discovered after Saint Lawrence, the Roman martyr who was entrusted with the Holy Grail or Holy Chalice, the cup from which Jesus and the Apostles drank at the Last Supper. Cartier found the perfect location up the St. Lawrence River at a place he called "Mont-Réal", after the crusader fort in Syria (below) where the Grail was originally found by the Crusaders.

So Montreal in fact originated as a Templar Colony, to be the New Jerusalem, and Quebec’s motto, “Je me souviens” (I remember), bears testimony to this secret history. It's clear to some of our historians that the Holy Grail is indeed hidden somewhere in Montréal. (Our researchers' best guess - in the Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours, where rest the remains of Ste. Marguerite Bourgeoys, founder of the chapel in 1657)
3. The Rose in His Lapel

One of our historians suggests she may have divorced Pierre TrueDoh - not the other way around - when he confessed he was a life-long Jesuit/Marxist, and hostile to the Templar cause.
Be that as it may, the symbolism should be a star-crossed slam dunk, right? And the case should rest there, right? Not so fast - Stéphane Dion, Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe are also Templar heirs, with a right to the Throne. I myself, through my Calvinist French and Scottish ancestors, am another, but so are a lot of people. I don't make a big deal about it like some people do. And really this whole Justin effort smacks of pure desperation.
Anyway, Dear Diary, that's your Christmas story for 2007. Merry Christmas to all and God Bless Canada.