Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Oops, Dropped the Ball!

Fooled you. I know what you were thinking, but images can sometimes mislead the mind. Actually, Sandra is always warning me to take extra care with CP and Torstar picture snappers around. "You must realize," she says, "they want your scalp on their belt. They are all trying to duplicate the famous Robert Stanfield fumble, which of course doomed his electoral chances."

And yet I'm a risk taker at heart, and still hit the old gridiron when I get the chance. I actually picked up this Puffin fumble on the bounce and scampered into the end zone for a TOUCHDOWN! Look at the the balance, the skill and, dare I say it, the mojo. Scuffed my loafers a bit but didn't even break a sweat. High fives all around from my Cabinet colleagues.

But alas, Sandra is right. The joy of scoring must always be leavened with a dose of caution, especially with Puffins flying about overhead.
This harmless jeu d'esprit was 'shopped by Alyssa Palmer of the Canadian Union of Public Satirists (CUPS), a coalition loosely attached to Rick Mercer's nether regions. A pretend CPC membership is going out to you today, Melissa!

Speaking of Mercer, have a look at:
He's short, he's short, he's got his own report.